Ten Options For Working At Home
Work at home is a great option for those who want to stay close to the family and avoid everyday hurdles of traveling, yet earn some money by using his or her own talent and qualifications. You can be a housewife, an old man or even a college student – all of who cannot afford to opt for a permanent or regular job. For them free work at home jobs are the best solution.Following are the ten options for working at home:1. Data entry work at home:· This is an outsourcing job. It is a very profitable job with fewer hazards. It also has no headache of higher supervision. People, are hired by various companies, who work by placing and arranging important data into different applications. Companies hire people who can work from home for their data entry work.2. Data conversion work at home:· There are hundreds of data formats that are required to be converted for the use of the companies. For this reason the companies outsource people to convert these data formats. Most of these conversions are done by software. These can be a document conversion, data conversion, book conversion etc.3. Freelance project work at home:· You can take up freelance projects in the area of your skill and interest. These projects can be anything ranging from survey to research works.4. Freelance Writers’ work at home:· Many companies take people to work as freelance or part time from home. These jobs are mainly Copywriting, Scriptwriting, Text Editing and Content Writing. The requirement of this job is a computer and also Internet connection.5. Technical writing work at home:· If you are an expert technical writer, you can prepare technical documents and reports for industries. In this case you have to be well equipped with proper research skill and other guidelines like User Guides, On-line Helps and more.6. Start a secretarial business work at home:· This opportunity is to help the other business houses, associations by preparing formats and desktop presentations for their information, letters, proposals, leaflets, bulletins, and manuals. There are many such companies that outsource their documents from the secretarial service providers. The start up cost of this business is very low. The few things that are needed are a computer, a printer and a telephone.7. Medical transcription work at home:· In this job one has to transcript the medical records, which are recorded in a tape by the doctors or the medical experts. This includes history and physical reports, doctor’s notes, office notes, functioning reports, consultation notes, discharge summaries, psychiatric assessments, laboratory reports, x-ray reports pathology reports etc.8. Story board outsourcing work at home:· Those with creative minds can work for this field. You will be given the necessary details of the film to be made and you will be asked to make a storyboard for a film, serial or etc.9. Design services work at home:· If you are confident enough with the designs you make you can easily work from home, for many companies, just designing for them. You can be a Graphic Designer, Cover Designer, Art worker, Photographer etc.10. Home based business work:· You can start a business with anything. If you have interest in jewelry designing you can start a business with that also. This will need a bit of capital investment, but worth starting.
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