5 Effective Techniques to Help a Struggling Student
A teacher knows that each student has a distinct set of abilities or skills. They should treat each of them equally and work towards reaching their fullest potential. If a child is finding it hard to read or spell properly, you know things would be more challenging for them in the future without those skills. So, what can you do about it? Take a look at these 5 useful tips to help a student:
Try Doing Direct Instruction:
Direct instruction is a method wherein the child is specifically taught what they are supposed to learn. The required information will be neatly presented in a learning material, without causing confusion or difficulty in understanding the concept. The instructions in teaching resources Australia will help a student know exactly what to do. They won’t find it hard to understand what is presented in the material, especially when you help them out.
One Thing at a Time:
Rather than dumping too many concepts in a given time, teach your students a single concept. A child’s brain would be able to receive and retain only a limited amount of information. Teaching one topic at a time is helpful for their memory as well. This encourages a more meaningful learning experience for them over time.
Struggles in Reading & Spelling? Teach them Separately:
One of the common mistakes made by many teachers is that they teach both reading and spelling at once. Even though reading and spelling are a bit similar, they must be taught with different techniques and teaching resources Australia at different schedules. Teaching these separately will be more effective for kids. They will progress much faster when they get enough time to properly practise each of those lessons.
Consistent Revision Helps:
Frequent reviews or revisions is highly important to etch the concepts in a student’s mind. Simply teaching something once or twice wouldn’t be enough. It takes constant practise for anyone to get better at something. A flashcard is one of the best teacher resources you can use to help children review and practise the concepts from time to time. You shall implement various methods of teaching that assist students in retaining the information in their memory.
Short, Frequent Lessons are More Effective:
Shorter sessions are found to be more helpful for students than longer ones. A child’s attention span will be stronger in a short lesson, so they’d be able to grasp information easier. Use intriguing study materials, which can be obtained from teacher resources websites, to make your lessons fun and keep your students engaged.
Besides all the above techniques, never forget to encourage your students. That would mean a lot to them. There’s nothing like motivating someone to do their best, no matter how hard it’d be. In a short time, you will see them accomplishing great things in life.